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Wildlife in Rural Regions

Wildlife sightings is one of the most amazing and enjoyable aspects of living or visiting rural regions.  However, proper education and safe practices are critical to ensure your safety and maintain a healthy population of wildlife.

Safety First

​On rural roads, you need to increase driver awareness of a high wildlife presence on our roads.


Drivers and passengers should actively watch for:

  • wildlife - on the road, in the ditch, on the shoulder, and in the right of way

  • movement on or alongside the road

  • shining eyes, which will be your head lights reflecting off the animal's eyes. 

  • Roadside reflectors that disappear/reappear, which might indicate an animal crossing in front of them. Watch out between dusk and dawn as light levels are low, and the animals are active.


To Swerve or Not to Swerve?

If smaller animals such as wallaby's are in your way - think carefully. Is it safe to swerve?  Do not take unsafe evasive actions. Serious accidents can occur when drivers lose control of their vehicles trying to avoid an animal. Always reduce your speed in signed areas. Driving at a slower speed may mean it is not necessary to swerve at all. Swerving can take you into the path of an oncoming vehicle or into the ditch.



Please message us through Facebook or on this website

We rescue, rehabilitate and release native wildlife 24 hours a day 7 days a week, therefore, if you find a sick, injured or orphaned native animal, please contact us or your local vet.  We have the licences and are able to provide the professional care native animals need.  

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